‘Fu*k, Now There Are Two Of You’ is Every Parent’s Nighttime Fav Book Now

If you are a parent expecting your second child, this is the book you should be adding to your cart as of right now… yep, that’s right, the most brutally honest, real-talk, and extremely relatable book any parent needs when adding a new baby to the fam is out now, thanks to Adam Mansbach. A sequel to the ever loved “Go the fuck to sleep” is about to launch and all parents are toasting their fu*ing glasses to the good news.

If you might think that another baby joining in is just another baby, but this book is here to let you know that “Two’s a million more kids than one”… Which, as we have been confirmed by parents of two, is nothing but true.

“I actually have three (3) (III) (threeeeeeee!) children. BUT TWO OF THEM ARE UNDER TWO YEARS OLD,” Mansbach said in a news release.

“So Fuck, Now There Are Two of You is very much my reality— from the anticipatory panic that sets in when you realize that whatever fragile equilibrium you’ve managed to establish after the first kid is about to be shattered by the second, to the unspeakable horror of attempting to take two small children to a grocery store, to the weary, hard-earned realization that somehow, two is a million more kids than one.”

It addresses “with radical honesty, the family implosion that occurs when a second child arrives,” publisher Akashic Books notes on its website. And yes, it is lovingly addressed to the older sibling, and includes funny but real quotes extracted from daily life worries, such as : “No, I can’t play right now, kiddo. The babe spent the whole night awake. I know you feel sad and neglected. But cut me some slack for fuck’s sake.”

The book is now available for pre-order on Amazon, and I can’t wait to buy it as a gift for all fellow mammas expecting their seconds.

As you probably know by know, it’s not exactly a book to read to your child, but more to yourself. Or anyways, I guess that depends on your parenting style.


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