If it’s Saturday morning, it’s time to have coffee and gush over yet another cool, inspiring and fashionable Realmomster…
She is drop-dead gorgeous, naturally sophisticated, beautifully blonde, and absolutely fabulous in every sense of the word. Meet Instagram muse, stylist, content creator and very soon mommy-to-be, Alina Tanasa, the better half of the Fabulous Muses empire blog that took over Romania and slowly the whole world over 10 years ago. Aside for her blogging fame along her partner, Diana Enciu, international fashion week appearances, glamorous editorials and an event-ful lifestyle, Alina is now even more so interesting for fellow moms as she is about to welcome her first baby (a fabuoous boy!) two months from now.
So the countdown is on, and we wanted to know more about her pregnancy so far, the emotions she went through while on this journey, birth plans and her (ideal) plans for after birth!
1. Who is Alina Tanasa in a few words… Who is Alina without ‘fabmuse’, without the Instagram filter and the fabulous role she has been playing for the past decade.
I never knew how to talk about myself, even though I could talk about any topic for hours. It may seem like a paradox, but when it comes to myself, I get stuck. I am an altruist, empathetic and too emotional person for the world we live in. I like what I do and I consider myself lucky. I am 34 years old ( I don’t know how these years went by and I got here). I am a dreamer with my feet on the ground and with a much too developed sense of ridicule.
2. What planets had to align for this pregnancy to become reality?
We wanted a baby and he came unexpectedly fast. I was very lucky to get pregnant so easily despite the thyroid disease I suffer from (Hasimoto).
3. About the moment you found out you were pregnant. First thoughts, reactions, funny/tragic/memorable moments…
I somehow felt that I was pregnant… It was like a premonition.. something I can’t describe. I bought a pregnancy test about 4-5 days after missing my period and it came out negative. Then I said to myself this is just in my head, but because I have an autoimmune thyroid I decided to go check my TSH and also get an HCG blood test, just to be sure if I am or not pregnant. This is pretty much how I found out I was, right around Easter time, and that my TSH was 2,5 times bigger than recommended in a pregnancy (first trimester).This scared me big time, the first weeks at the beginning were tough, I was afraid to lose the pregnancy. But with time I started to relax, but I was reading a lot and was switching from one state of mind to another very easily. The first one to find out about this was my husband… I got my blood test results during a photo shoot where I was climbing on a balcony on a table, and where my feet have trembled more than ever before. Then my partner Diana found out, as well as my good friend Andrada, with whom i was supposed to leave on a cruise with just then. I told my parents only two months later, because I was afraid.. I have lived in fear quite a long time anyway, and I have terrorised Dragos with every single thing that seemed not right to me.
4. Most exciting thing about becoming a mother? What about the scariest?
It’s hard to say. I don’t know what to expect. I am both excited and scared at the same time. I find everything so magical and still I can’t believe I am living something like this. As normal and natural as it is, as fabulous I find it. I hope to know how to handle him, to have good maternal instincts.
5. You are used to being in the spotlight, in the centre of attention in the online world – after all, Fabulous Muses are the number 1 fashion and lifestyle reference of the past 210 years. How does this spot feel like now that you are pregnant?
It’s the only thing I talk about wherever I go. It is quite hard to receive so many thoughts and opinions. Sometimes it gets exhausting and I get easily consumed. People have good intentions, but with every experience being so unique, everybody is willing to help with more or less happy stories.
6. How do you think your life will change after the baby? How do you want your life to change and what do you wish will stay the same?
It’s hard to say. I am sure it will change, only I can’t figure out what, when and how. I want to be there for the baby and care for him, I do not want to get a babysitter, but also don’t want to stay home for 3 years. I hope I will be able to stay active even with him attached to me. But I don’t really want to think about everything because I’m afraid that plans and reality are two different things. I will take everything as it comes. Diana is a great support system and knowing I have her by my side, I am sure it will all be OK.
7. You have been talking about coming back to yourself lately. About the decision to be and do more for yourself than for your job, clients and career.
We have been doing what we do for 10 years now. It’s a lot, and lately I feel there is too little quality on the market and we have no filters. Both Diana and I want to do more, to be more. Taking pictures and going to events feels already passe to me. I think it is our duty to offer more to our community. To manage to be an example to our people, from every point of view.
8. What kind of mom do you imagine yourself becoming?
A little too protective, very panicking. I will for sure not be relaxed, because I know myself. Still, I hope to be able to control my feelings both for the baby’s well being, as well as for mine. 🙂
9. How has your pregnancy been so far? Any remarkable, tough, funny stories that you have been through and would like to share?
So far (26 weeks) I have had a very easy pregnancy. I am lucky. I have been active, I lived my life and followed my schedule just like before. In the first trimester I slept more, but nothing out of the ordinary. I get emotional very easily, I cry out of anything, and as I said, I was very stressed at the beginning, hoping for everything to be alright.
I have nothing spicy to tell, unfortunately, but what I can say is that each pregnancy is unique and we ought to enjoy every moment of it. And when the baby moves inside, it’s the most beautiful feeling I am living. I will definitely miss his kicking.
10. What is your pregnancy beauty and wellness routine. What do you do differently (if at all), what products are your go to for this period?
At the beginning I had stopped using anything at all. I was so panicked. Then I relaxed and started using Dr. Sebagh products, that I am really really pleased with, as well as Nuca products – a Romanian brand. For my belly I use Bio Oil and almond oil, and for my body and hair I use Love Beauty & Planet and Nuca products.
As far as make up is concerned, I am doing the exact same thing. I have a Lioele BB cream that has no parabens and other 4-5 products that I find good (Benefit, Amway, Givenchy).
11. Do you already have a support system set up for after giving birth? How do you plan to share your time and manage the baby, your social life, career, etc?
I have no idea!:)) At the moment I only rely on Dragos and myself, and I think my mother will come over for a little while at the beginning to help. After that, I hope to manage everything by myself. This is what I dream of. I want to breastfeed as long as I can, and for this to happen, he needs to be with me as much as possible. I hope I will be able to do it and that everything will come naturally. Maybe I am naive and the readers will laugh at me, but I promise I will do everything I can to make things as goo as possible!
12. Thoughts about having a baby boy…
At the beginning it was a girl. I was disappointed when I found out it was a boy and boy, did I feel sorry for this afterwards. I think it is exactly what I need. It’s going to be a challenge. I bought some books to read about this. I think boys are mamma’s boys and need more attention from us, especially in the first years.
Continue the sentence…
I love to smell like …Fig
On Sunday mornings… I sleep as much as I can
Last time I cried ... earlier today:) I get emotional so fast
Never missing from my fridge.… Caju milk
Best part of the day… When I lay in bed in the evening.
My guilty pleasure... sweets
My dream date is... in Paris
My go to sexy look is….his white shirt
Before going to bed… I take my make up of and wash my teeth
I love sleeping in ... cotton
As a Mom I will...try to do my best
Thank you so much Alina for opening up to your most honest thoughts!
Photography: Tibi Vantur
Outfits: Muse’s own
Scroll down for Romanian Version…
1. Despre cine este Alina Tanasa in cateva cuvinte…. Cine este Alina fara fabmuseAlina… fara filtrele de pe Instagram, fara rolul de fabuloasa…
Nu am stiut niciodata sa vorbesc despre mine chiar daca pot vorbi despre orice subiect ore intregi. Poate pare un paradox dar cand ajung la mine ma blochez. Sunt o altruista, empatica si prea emotiva pentru job ul pe care il am si pentru lumea in care traim. Imi place ce fac si ma consider o norocoasa. Am 34 de ani ( nu stiu cum au trecut anii si cum am ajuns aici). Sunt o visatoare cu picioarele pe pamant si cu un simt al ridicolului prea dezvoltat.
2. Despre ce planete au trebuit sa se alinieze pentru acest moment…
Ne-am dorit bebele si el a venit neasteptat de repede. Am avut mare noroc sa raman insarcinata foarte usor in ciudata afectiunii la tiroida de care sufar ( Hasimoto)
3. Despre momentul in care ai aflat ca esti insarcinata – primele ganduri, reactii, momente funny, tragice, comice, primii care au aflat vestea, etc…
Am simtit cumva ca am ramas insarcinata… A fost o presimtite.. sau cevs ce nu pot descrie. Mi-am luat un test de sarcina la 4-5 zile de cand trebuia sa imi vina menstra si a iesit negativ… Atunci am zis ca e doar in capul meu dar pentru ca am o tiroidita autoimuna am zis sa merg sa imi verific TSH ul si sa imi fac si un hcg ca sa fiu sigura ca e alba sau neagra. Cam asa am aflat ca sunt insarcinata fix pe perioada Pastelui si ca am si Tsh ul mai mare de 2.5 cat ar fi recomandat in sarcina ( semestrul 1). M-am speriat foarte tare, au fost niste saptamani grele la inceput in care mi-a fost frica sa nu pierd sarcina si tot asa.
Cu trecerea timpului am inceput sa ma linistesc dar am citit multe si treceam de la o stare la alta foarte usor. Primul care a aflat a fost sotul meu… Am primit rezultatele in timpul unei sedinte foto in care eram urcata pe un balcon, pe o masa si la care mi-au tremurat picioarele mai tare ca niciodata. Dupa a aflat Diana si Andrada, o prietena cu care trebuia sa plec intr-o croaziera fix atunci. Parintilor mei le-am spus la doua luni pentru ca mi-a fost teama… Oricum cu teama am stat destul de mult si l-am terorizat si pe Dragos la fiecare chestie care mi se parea nelalocul ei.
4. Cel mai exciting lucru la gandul de a deveni mama? Dar cel mai scary?
E greu de spus. Nu stiu la ce sa ma astept. Sunt nerandatoare sau speriata in acelasi timp. Mi se pare magic tot si inca nu imi vine sa cred ca traiesc asa ceva. Pe cat de normal si natural e pe atat mi se pare de fabulos. Sper sa stiu sa ma ocup de el, sa am instincte bune:)
5. Esti obisnuita sa fii in ‘lumina reflectoarelor’, in centrul atentiei – pana la urma Fabuloasele sunt no.1 si au fost asa de la inceput.. Cum este acum sa fii atat de expusa gravida?
Vorbesc doar despre asta oriunde ma duc. E destul de greu sa primesti atat de multe pareri si opinii. Cateodata devine obositor si eu ma si consum extrem de tare. Oamenii sunt bine intentionati dar cum fiecare experienta e unica fiecare vrea sa te ajute cu povesti mai mult sau mai putin vesele.
6. Despre cum crezi ca ti se va schimaba viata dupa ce apare bebe… Cum vrei sa ti se schimbe viata, ce vrei sa ramana la fel…
E greu sa ma pronunt. Cred ca se va schimba dar nu imi dau seama cum si cand si in ce fel. As vrea sa ma ocup de bebe, nu imi doresc bona dar nici nu imi doresc sa stau 3 ani in casa. Sper sa pot fi activa si cu el atasat. Dar nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc la tot pentru ca mi e frica ca planurile sunt una si realitatea alta. O sa le iau asa cum vin. Diana e un suport enorm si stiind ca o am pe ea alaturi sujt sigura ca o sa fie bine.
7. Despre aceasta reintoarcere la “tine” despre care ai vorbit si recent pe pagina ta… despre decizia de a fi si a face mai mult pentru tine, nu pentru imagine/branduri/blog… despre regasire, si reinventare…
Facem ce facem de 10 ani de zile. E mult si in ultimul timp mi se pare ca e prea putina calitate pe piata si nu mai avem filtre. Si eu si Diana ne dorim sa facem mai mult sa putem fi mai mult. Sa faci poze si sa mergi la evenimente mi se pare deja passe. Cred ca e de datoria noastra sa dam mai mult comunitatii. Sa reusim sa fim un exemplu din toate punctele de vedere.
8. Despre ce fel de mama iti imaginezi ca vei fi…
Putin prea protectiva, o mare panicoasa. Cu siguranta nu voi fi relaxata pentru ca ma stiu. Sper totusi sa mi pot controla trairile atat pentru binele lui cat si pentru binele meu 🙂 .
9. Despre cum a fost sarcina pana acum…Momente remarcabile, amuzante, triste, pe care ai vrea sa le impartasesti cu celelalte mame care vor citi?
Pana acum (26 de saptamani) am avut o sarcina foarte usoara. Sunt o norocoasa. Am fost activa, mi am urmat viata si programul fix la fel ca inainte. In primul trimestru am dormit mai mult dar nimic extraordinar. Ma emotionez mai tare, plang din orice si cum iti spuneam m am stresat la inceput sa fie totul bine. Nu am nimic super picant de povestit din pacate dar cu siguranta pot spune ca fiecare sarcina e unica si trebuie sa ne bucuram de fiecare moment. Iar cand bebele misca e cel mai frumos sentiment pe care l traiesc. O sa imi fie dor cu siguranta de miscarile lui din burtica.
10. Despre rutina ta de beauty & wellness pe timpul sarcinii.. ce faci la fel/diferit, ce produse miraculoase ai gasit, testat, cum te rasfeti in perioada asta, cand ti se pare ca esti cea mai frumoasa…
La inceput nu mai folosesc aproape nimic. Eram super panicata. Dupa m am relaxat si am inceput sa folosesc produsele de la Dr. Sebagh de care sunt fff multumita si produsele de la Nuca, un brand romanesc. Pentru burtica folosesc Bio Oil si ulei de migdale iar pentru corp si par produsele de la Love Beauty & Planet si Nuca.
In ceea ce priveste make up ul ma machez la fel. Am un bb cream de la Lioele care nu are parabeni si inca 4-5 produse care zic eu ca sunt ok( Benefit, Amway, Givenchy).
11. Despre ajutorul pe care il vei avea – sau nu- dupa ce nasti… ce asteptari ai din punctul asta de vedere, cine ai vrea sa fie langa tine, cum iti vei imparti timpul intre cariera ta si bebe, social life, instagram, etc…
Habar nu am:))) Momentan ma bazaz pe mine, pe Dragos si cred ca o sa vina mama putin la noi la inceput ca sa ne ajute:)) Dupa eu sper sa reusesc singura. Eu asa visez. Vreau sa il alaptez pe bebe cat de mult si pentru asta trebuie sa fie cu mine. Eu sper sa ma descurc si sa vina totul natural. Poate sunt naivs si cititoarele o sa rada de mine dar promit sa fac tot ce pot sa fie totul cat mai ok.
12. Despre faptul ca vei avea un baietel…
La inceput era fetitza. Am fost dezamagita cand am aflat ca e baiat si dupa tare rau mi-a mai parut. Cred ca e fix ceea ce am nevoie. O sa fie o provocare. Mi am luat niste carti sa ma informez. Cred ca baietii sunt mai mamosi si au mai multa nevoie de atentie, mai ales in primii ani.