Terrible Twos? More Like Terrific Twenties!

realmomster real talk terrible twos terrific twenties
….and in the good way that is. You know the drill: terrible twos, terrific twenties, dirty thirties… My son and I are in the category of the twos and twenties. Terrific. It can be such a misleading word. You can either go with “terrifying” or “absolutely amazing”, and in my case, I’ll go with the second one. You know what they say about this age… when the dragons turn two, you’re apparently expected to lock the doors, open the motherhood books and carefully follow instructions when it comes to all the “No No’s” you’ll be saying, or the leaving the park craze. Even the snacking becomes : “My potato chip is cut in half I want a new one. I want candy. NOW. Can I drink the whole water tank before breakfast? I’m not hungry anymore. VAIANAAAAA. I’ll eat if you turn Vaiana on. I hate eggs. Can I have another egg? But it’s not boiled. SO WHAT I WANT IT.” And oh my god the list goes on, and it’s only been less than a minute.

I don’t know whether it’s because of my easiness in this motherhood thing or because I deliberately turned a blind side to all things “Inspiring TED talks for new mothers”, “How to raise your kids to be smart and kind” books, all the unsolicited advice on the mom groups, and so on, but this “terrible twos” period for me is much like a “best time ever” adventure. And to be honest, I haven’t heard it too often, and I’ve been warned and prepared about this stage by my mom and relatives, I’ve read blogs and stories, by both mothers who stayed at home or were working, and all of it sounded like more than a handful. I’m a full time, 24/7 mommy these days, with no nanny, no daycare, no maids, housecleaning ladies, grandparents, friends, mom-friends, relatives, or nice neighbours that offer to entertain the baby so I can go on a date night with my husband. (not that I’d ever leave him with the neighbours, but it was worth contemplating on this). So it’s just me and my (working) husband, keeping up with a 2 1/2 year old toddler. The most excited, energetic, happy, crazy, funny and exhausting one, I may add. One that only naps once a week during the day, who sleeps for 12 hours at night and then goes on and on for other 12 hours all day long.

I know I’m struggling to keep a website and a kid entertained every day, and most of the time something’s gotta give (and lately it has not been the child), and then I also wonder how do these moms do it with even more than one kid? Everyone around me has two kids or more, and not to mention Instagram – the internet is just filled with these “business women slash supermoms of multiple kids slash sexy wives slash best friends with everyone”. Where are all the nannies on Instagram? And the housemaids? And the grandparents? Anyway, I’m sliding off track now, but my point is- I think we can do it all and be it all, just not all at the same time.

Yes we can run our own businesses, pick up the kids from school, have date nights with our husbands, but for this we need to say yes to Mr. or Mrs. Help. And this again gets me thinking how fortunate I am to not be needing any of this – at least not right now, as I’m writing this. I’m still this 23-year old, freshly graduated from university girl-turning-woman and young mom, juggling with running my magazine and being a full time mom, housecleaner, chef, entertainer, sports coach and circus acrobat. And yes, I do believe all of this is possible due to this moment I am in my life right now. This place and moment where I don’t belong to any boring job I need to return to, where I have all the energy and imagination in the world, where I’m younger and more enthusiastic than I’ll be in my thirties and forties, and where I know that even though I’m not chilling on a pool float in Mykonos with a drink in my hand right now, I’ll be doing it soon.

On another note, the question about my age has become the most frequently asked question in my life lately, and I’m starting to think I should just get used to dealing with it without doubting all my answers all the time. So what if I’m young? SO WHAT if I’m spending my days snuggling and playing instead of partying and smoking? So what if I don’t get to hop on planes and go on spontaneous trips to Paris? (not that I was doing that before either). I chose it this way, and I’m living my terrific twenties with a terrible two toddler and it’s great so far. I’m in my twenties, living my best life, I get to do things other moms only dream of (like taking so much time off from work!!!), I get to spend these unique moments barefoot in the grass and dirty on the beach with my boy who’s slowly becoming a person, and it’s scarier than I thought but here I am.

Yes it’s freaking exhausting, and at times frustrating and yes I’m jealous when I see other people my age living their life in Ibiza.

But hey, I’ll never be this young again, I won’t get to wake up at 10 in the morning and go to bed at 12 at night soon, I’ll have to do school droop offs and prepare lunch boxes starting this fall. Oh and I’ll need to make more kids also. But until then, I’ll be 23, carefree and at the playground.

A kid with his kid. Perfect.

realmomster real talk terrible twos terrific twenties

realmomster real talk terrible twos terrific twenties

realmomster real talk terrible twos terrific twenties

realmomster real talk terrible twos terrific twenties

realmomster real talk terrible twos terrific twenties

realmomster real talk terrible twos terrific twenties

realmomster real talk terrible twos terrific twenties

realmomster real talk terrible twos terrific twenties

realmomster real talk terrible twos terrific twenties

realmomster real talk terrible twos terrific twenties

realmomster real talk terrible twos terrific twenties

realmomster real talk terrible twos terrific twenties

realmomster real talk terrible twos terrific twenties

realmomster real talk terrible twos terrific twenties

realmomster real talk terrible twos terrific twenties

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